The Magical Art Of Being Delulu-Lucky Girl Syndrome
The buzz around this concept first became relevant after one video of TikTok influencer Laura Galebe went viral. In that video, she said repeatedly, “Great things are always happening to me unexpectedly”. And soon after, millions of people started using this hashtag. Surprisingly, the mantra has been a go to affirmation that works! People experienced that repeating affirming mantras and keeping a positive mindset can bring you good outcomes according to your expectations and thoughts.
Affirming Your Desires to the cosmos
Lucky Girl Syndrome is all about manifesting your goals by influencing your focus on affirmations. For that reason, affirmations are the pillars of this theory. These life-changing statements do only bring you positive energy — also provide you with unbeatable confidence and spiritual wellness. Read some of these magical mantras and ask yourself; What can I possibly lose by speaking and acting out my desired life?
1. I am open to receiving unexpected blessings and miracles in my life.
2. I am surrounded by love, support, and abundance.
3. I am grateful for the infinite possibilities that exist in my life.
4. I trust that the universe is conspiring in my favor.
5. I am grateful for the challenges that have helped me grow and become stronger.
6. I am deserving of all the good things that come my way.
7. I am thankful for the power of my mind to manifest my desires.
8. I am overflowing with positive energy and attracting even more positivity into my life.
9. I am aligned with my highest purpose and living my best life.
10. I am grateful for the amazing opportunities that present themselves to me.
11. I am living in abundance, joy, and prosperity, and am grateful for all that I have.