VANESSA GIBSON | 2 min. read
Harnessing beauty benefits from the Mother herself is our secret to feeling (and looking) young and powerful even when the world is trying to keep us down. Magical, mystical, and literal medicine, the anti-aging elixirs below are integral to our inner and outer beau-tea routines.
Spoiler alert: They also happen to be the secret Spritzy to our fave celebs’ beauty spells.
Let’s dive into these botanical brews and how they can transform your beauty routine one sip at a time.
But we won’t kid you. Noni juice sounds like a cute cocktail you’d order at Nobu, but it has a rather unique flavor profile. AKA it sounds a lot better than it tastes and smells. Drinking a shot of it chilled (trust us, that’s all you need) helps it go down easier. You can also add pineapple juice or a squeeze of lemon to mask some of the flavor.
Noodie tip: Bring the silica magic from the inside out by adding Eidon Iconic … I mean Ionic Minerals to your face as a tightening mask 2 to 3 times per week to find literal magic happening to any fine lines and wrinkles. Follow up with a thick moisturizer cream.
Disclaimer: Of course, always check with your doctor first before taking any new supplement.