Updated by Iris Cooper | 4 min. read

Film Secrets?

Ok, Ok, Ok! Who remembers this scene from the iconic Vivian Ward (aka the stunning Julia Roberts) in Pretty Woman released in 1990? OK. So, we’re not saying it was intentional but, many believe that movie writer's’ like to play with us by depicting possible secrets of the unknown (we’re here for it.) In this scene, Vivian is seen in the tub, headphones in, world out and literally grinning from ear to ear.

Power of Asking

Despite the pain she’s experienced throughout her life and the financial troubles she’s facing in her real life, Vivian is seen harnessing the present moment with her best vibes forward. So, lets jump to our point here.

Power of Believing

After such a grand display of joy and gratitude, in walks Edward (aka Richard Gere), who wants to discuss his “intentions” and compensation with Vivian.

As she aims for the stars and tells him the amount that she believes that she should be paid to her, and without a doubt in the cosmos, she persists in her belief and forms an agreement with Edward in the amount of $3,000 for the week. So, what does it all mean? Let’s break it down in manifestation terms.

In Manifestation Terms, Please

Vivian had just accomplished something exhilerating, by negotiating a substantial sum of money which in the 90’s was considered a lot. As she is soaking in the water element, she’s quite literally cleansing her energy field of any limitations and doubts. By the way, water is a known tool commonly used to carry out manifestation rituals along with the music she’s dancing to — which has also been known to open audio senses and spike dopamine levels. Because of these elements, and Vivian’s belief and boosted confidence, her energetic field was widely expanded due to heightened excitement for the present moment which set her up for a successful negotiation between herself and powerful businessman — Edward Lewis.

Channeling Vivian Ward

Imagine a ritual that not only cleanses your body but rejuvenates your spirit. Spiritual bathing, often practiced by mystics and energy workers, does just that. Beyond the physical, it taps into the ethereal, balancing your chakras, cleansing your aura, and aligning your energies. It's a powerful practice that resonates with ancient wisdom yet remains profoundly relevant in our modern lives.

At its core, spiritual bathing is about intention. It's a sacred dance between the physical and the metaphysical. Each element—water, herbs, crystals, and oils—plays a role in this symphony of the soul. The water cleanses, the herbs heal, the crystals amplify, and the oils anoint. Together, they create a harmonious fusion, inviting you to explore the depths of your consciousness.

A Ritual Beyond the Mundane

Spiritual pros and seasoned energy workers believe that spiritual bathing isn't just about cleansing the skin; it's a transformative experience that nourishes the spirit. These baths can help you connect with your higher self, release negativity, and set intentions for the life you desire. It's not just a bath; it's a sacred, soul-soothing ceremony that taps into the power of intention, magic, and ancient wisdom.

Not Required — Suggested Supplies


Choose crystals that resonate with your intention. Amethyst for relaxation, rose quartz for self-love, or clear quartz for clarity. These gems will infuse your bath with their unique energies and amplify the power of your intentions.

Fresh Flowers from Bloomsy Box

To represent the Earth element, select an abundance of fresh flowers from Bloomsy Box. Opt for blooms that resonate with your intentions and bring a touch of natural beauty to your ritual.

Tip: Red roses are best if you want to draw attention to your self-esteem. Lavender is best if your intention is to relax or heal your nervous system.

Herbal Bath Bombs

Aphrodite Colossal Bath Bomb This heavenly bath bomb from Bathorium infuses your bath with the warm scents of vanilla, chocolate, and wild Bulgarian rose and it will definitely have no problem opening up your senses.

White Manifestation Candle Sticks from Amazon

These elegant white candles are perfect for clearing stagnant negative energy and cleansing your energetic field. In general, candles are a good way to introduce the Fire element into your ritual, which represents the burning of old belief systems, negative thought patterns or absorbed energy from another source.

Bath Salts

1 cup of bath salts to add mineral-rich goodness to your bath. As we all know, bath salts help relax muscles, cleanse the skin, and leave your skin dewy.

Bath Tea Bags from Hera by Hera

These bath tea bags are a fantastic addition to your ritual. Filled with herbs and botanicals, they infuse your bathwater with healing properties. The floral bath tea soak bags are perfect for pampering yourself.

A Warm Bathrobe and Towel

After your spiritual bath, wrap yourself in a cozy bathrobe and use a soft towel to gently pat your skin dry. This adds an extra layer of comfort to your post-bath experience.

Fave Essential Oils

If you enjoy the scent of essential oils, have your favorites on hand. Lavender, eucalyptus, or frankincense can enhance the air element and promote relaxation and clarity.

Relaxing Music or Guided Meditation

Put on (or blast) your fave music, whichever you prefer and whichever gets you most excited in a positive way.

The Magic

Step 1 Setting the Stage

Begin by creating a serene environment. Dim the lights, light a few candles, and choose calming music that resonates with your soul. It's about turning your bathroom into a sanctuary—a place where you can escape the world's demands and focus on your inner world.

Step 2 Choose Your Elixirs

Select your bath elixirs wisely. Crystals, herbs, essential oils, and bath salts are your allies on this mystical journey. For love and self-acceptance, rose quartz and rose petals are perfect companions. If you seek clarity and inner peace, amethyst and lavender will be your go-to. Make your selection based on your intentions.

Step 3 Cleanse the Body and Mind

Before entering your sacred bath, cleanse your body and mind. A quick shower to wash away the physical dirt helps. But the real magic happens when you release the mental clutter. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and visualize negativity being washed away.

Step 4 Intention Setting

Now, it's time to immerse yourself in the bath. As you step into the warm water, set your intention for this ritual. Is it self-love, abundance, or healing? Your intention is like a North Star guiding the energy of the bath.

Step 5 The Soak

Lie back, submerge yourself in the water, and let the elixirs work their magic. Imagine their energies infusing your being. Feel their vibrations resonating with your soul. This is where transformation occurs—where old energies are released, and new, positive energies are embraced.

Step 6 Meditation and Reflection

As you soak, meditate on your intention. Let your mind wander through the landscapes of your desires. Reflect on your journey, your dreams, and your innermost desires. The bath becomes a space for self-discovery and self-love.

Step 7 Gratitude and Release

Before leaving your spiritual bath, express gratitude to the universe, your higher self, or any divine entity you believe in. Give thanks for the energy exchange that has occurred. Now, release the water, visualizing all negativity flowing down the drain.

Step 8 Sealing the Magic

After your bath, wrap yourself in a soft, comforting towel. Take a few moments to appreciate the newfound sense of luxury and clarity. Carry this energy with you as you step back into the world.

Emerge Renewed and Transformed

With the perfect spiritual bath ritual, you step into the world anew. Cleansed not only in body but in spirit, you harness the power of intention and ancient wisdom to manifest the life you desire. This is more than just a bath; it's a sacred act of self-love and transformation, a journey into the depths of your soul where magic happens. Embrace the art of spiritual bathing and unlock the serenity that lies within.


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