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“Millionaires Don’t Use Astrology, Billionaires Do” -J.P. Morgan

Astrology: The secret guide to wealth for the ultra wealthy

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The Charts Don’t Lie

 The principle behind astrology is “as above, so below,” meaning that what occurs in the solar system and astral planes mirrors back here on Earth. Astrology offers insight into one’s relationship with money as well as values, talents, and lessons and how these can turn into abundance and prosperity. 

You can’t do much with astrology unless you know the ins and outs of your birth chart, so we recommend starting with The Birthdate Book or something like it. This personalized astrology book based on your unique natal chart provides clear insights into every element of your chart, so you know what money indicators to look for and what your future may hold. Any planet placement can indicate a potential for wealth but keep an eye out for financial planets like Venus, Jupiter, and the Moon that have significant impacts on all things money. Use these birth chart details to get ahead and align with your intended path toward abundance and prosperity. 

If you’re a Libra, for example, your odds of becoming a billionaire are a bit higher (they’re the most common sign amongst the top 250 billionaires). Is Jupiter in your second house? Lucky you, this placement coincides with good luck and fortune in matters of money and wealth. Or if you have a jam packed eighth house, which rules possessions and potential power, you may find being in a power position to be a natural fit.

Also worth noting: Birthdate Co. carries personalized pendants, birthday candles, and tarot candles that are totally obsession-worthy. (I most definitely have the pendant on my birthday wishlist.)

Vibe Check

Once you get in tune with your natal chart’s wealth indicators, check your energy. Are you vibrating at a high money frequency, or are you chasing it? Because if your energy isn’t aligned with the potential energy you’re looking to manifest, it makes it much more difficult to attract that level of wealth. Any manifestation coach will tell you that to bring in everything you want (wealth, security, freedom, etc.), you’ve got to match the vibe. 

Imagine you have everything you want: You’re bringing in an abundant cash flow each month, you have no financial worries, and you’re living a fruitful, generous life. Okay, now match the energy of this future you. What does it feel like to have everything you want? How do you wake up feeling every day? This is the energy you want to bring to your current reality. 

It's a bit easier said than done because to match the money frequency you desire, it’s essential to clear out any negative energy that contradicts (or scares) you away from financial freedom. This inner tidy-up means going back through the past and reprogramming the parts of you with a negative money mindset. The proper energy and headspace will allow you to naturally fall in with the abundance written in your stars.