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By Vanessa Gibson | 2 Min Read

The Locale: Wholefoods

When it comes to what we eat and where we shop, we’re whole foods girlies through and through. You can find all these superfood supplements at Wholefoods—which is great because you know it’s coming from a trusted source. OK, now to our fave stress-zapping supplements.

1. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is an ancient Adaptogenic herb used for centuries to manage stress. My BF and I started the year with stress management at the top of our priority (grocery) list—and it’s been an unintentional bonding moment to say the least. We started taking ashwagandha daily to regulate cortisol levels and help us find a state of calm that makes us better together and as individuals. 

2. Moringa

If you want to ensure you’re hitting all your daily nutrients, look no further than moringa. It’s one of the most nutrient-dense plants on earth (seriously). In addition to containing loads of antioxidants and minerals, it’s high in vitamins B and C that support the body during times of stress. It’s perfect in a green smoothie imo, but I’ve also been adding it to my morning matcha because why not?

3. Reishi Mushrooms

I’m an avid medicinal mushroom user, from my skincare to my supplements. Reishi is particularly amazing for reducing stress because it contains active compounds that promote relaxation throughout the nervous system. You can find reishi capsules or gummies, but I personally love a reishi powder in my coffee or hot cocoa for a quick dose of calm.

4. Hemp Seeds

Our brains are 60% fats, most of which are omega-3s. So, getting those omegas from your diet is essential for healthy brain function and lowering stress-related inflammation. Hemp seeds don’t have the stress-reducing qualities of cannabis per se, but they are a mega dope brain food that contains soothing magnesium. 

5. Maca

Maca is a superfood I come back to time and time again for hormone health—ladies, if you don’t know, get to know! I’ve also recently discovered that thanks to flavonoids and other compounds, maca reduces anxiety, improves mood, and supports energy levels. 

6. Spirulina

You’re already eating sea moss, so why not add algae to the mix? Spirulina is a blue-green algae high in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other nutrients that work swimmingly for lowering stress. 

P.S. Spirulina is the secret ingredient to making mermaid-esc Erewhon smoothies at home.

7. Kava Root

If you struggle with anxiety, kava is one herb you’ll want in your cupboard. I’m not saying it will take all your troubles away, but the plant does have relaxant and pain-relieving effects that even help with insomnia. I def recommend taking kava supplements in the evening or sipping on a sleepy kava-infused tea before bed.

8. Schisandra Berry

A mainstay supplement in Traditional Chinese Medicine, schisandra is used to restore internal balance and health. This adaptogenic effect helps support mental clarity and enhance our resilience to stressors (yay!). Schisandra is another superfood that’s best taken in a tea or elixir.

9. Bee Pollen

Bee pollen is a literal goldmine of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. All these micronutrients compound to combat oxidative stress and inflammation, thus supporting the immune system and almost every other area of your mind and body. When I’m cheffing up a yogurt or smoothie bowl, I’ll always add a sprinkle of bee pollen on top. It’s crunchy and has a semi-sweet flavor, so you can add it to salads or avo toast, too.

10. Tulsi (Holy Basil)

This sacred herb modulates the body’s stress response and stabilizes cortisol levels so we can be calm, cool, and collected. I love taking this year-round, especially during cold and flu season, because it’s anti-inflammatory and immune boosting, too. 

As you can see, this grocery list is straight up magic for stress relief and regulation. But per the usual — It’s important to consult with your doc before taking any new supplements.